Brick Campaign

Pay by Credit Card

A lasting legacy for your family, organization, or business

Join your friends and neighbors in supporting Cain Center for the Arts by purchasing a personalized engraved brick. Fill in your personal information below and select the size brick you would like to purchase.

Please fill out the field above if you are buying a brick on behalf of your business.

// (mm/dd/yyyy)
$250 - 4X8 Brick



  1. In Memory Of – “In Memory of John Smith”
  2. In Honor Of – “In Honor of Hough High Class of 2020”
  3. With Family Names – “The Smith Family” or “Bob and Ann Smith, Bobby, Susan, and Bill”
  4. With Company Names – “First National Bank”

Bricks cannot be printed with slogans, comments, or messages. Cain Center for the Arts and The Town of Cornelius retain the right to limit content at their sole discretion.

Fill out your corresponding brick information below. Please fill out a separate form for each brick you would like to purchase.

Your order will be confirmed 60 days before engraving takes place and changes may be requested at that time.

Exterior bricks are available. Note that bricks purchased after February 15, 2022 will be installed at a later date.



3 lines | 20 characters per line.
Please note that punctuation and spacing count as characters.

Please engrave as follows:

Please be sure all of your information is correct before clicking the “Submit” button. Once the “Submit” button is pressed you will not be able to return to this form.

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